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12th March 2009, 83 different DS titles sell over a million units
Is there any stopping the success of the mighty Nintendo DS? Nintendo claims that a massive 83 different DS software titles have now exceeded 1m unit sales and an additional seven titles have each sold in excess of 10m units. According to GameSpot, these titles are Nintendogs, New Super Mario Bros, Brain Training, Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, Mario Kart DS, More Brain Training and Animal Crossing: Wild World.
Additionally, Cumulative sales of the original DS, DS Lite and DSi have now passed the 100m units sales mark globally, Nintendo has confirmed. (source:

Feb 19th 2009, Nintendo 'not concerned about iPhone'
Despite all the hype surrounding the Apple iPhone, it seems Nintendo isn't really concerned with the device making an impat in the sales of the DS. Talking to Pocketgamer.co.uk, Nintendo Public Relations Manager Eric Walter boasted about the DS's excellent software catalogue. "You simply can't get these (gameplay) experiences anywhere else" he said. Examples of such games include the upcoming Nintendo-produced Rhythm Heaven, strategy-action game Lock's Quest, as well as the flurry of Square Enix remakes on the way. As Walter put it, "It's more about the games than hardware."
Having seen the quality of most iPhone games, we can't help but agree!

Feb 19th 2009, Nintendo announces DSi launch dates for US and Europe
see our
DSi preview page for more information.
Feb 8th, 2009, Nintendo developing new Touch Generation games in Europe and US
Nintendo's Touch Generation games, which include Brain Training and Nintendogs, have always been popular around the world. Recently, however, Nintendo company president Satoru Iwata announced that new Touch Generations titles were in development in Europe and in the US. Apparently Nintendo wants to broaden its appeal to western DS owners even further.
"As we strive for the expansion of gaming population worldwide, we are also thinking of developing products that cater to the American or European markets." Said Iwata "We are actually working on U.S. and Europe-originated Touch Generations products, which may have a smaller demand in Japan than overseas. I can not tell if it will go well or not at this moment. I think one or two of these initial trials will reach the market within this year. If they actually flourish, I think our strategy will have to take the next step."
We'll let you know when we discover what these new games actually are!
Develop Magazine)
Jan 16, 2009, Pass your driving theory test with your Nintendo DS
Our UK readers might be interested in this innovative title, due for launch in March 2009. Avanquest Software's Pass Your Driving Theory Test is apparently the "essential interactive guide for those preparing to take their driving theory test".
All 1265 official DSA questions are included for both cars and motorcycles, with users given the option to customise a revision schedule to fine tune their knowledge.
Jan 16, 2009, Keep Imagining in 2009
Ubisoft continues to cater for the millions of younger DS owners with its Imagine range of games. Since we reviewed several Imagine titles, several more have appeared and we hope to bring you a round-up soon. Also coming in 2009 are:-
Imagine Ballet Dancer (Q1 2009)
Imagine Movie Star (Q1 2009)
Imagine Fashion Idol (Feb 2009)
We'll bring you more details on those games when we get them.

Jan 15, 2009, Nintendo sells 31 million DS consoles, 14.2 million Wii consoles in Europe
Nintendo DS sales remained strong throughout 2008, despite the economic slowdown. With a whopping 11.2 million DS consoles shipped across Europe in 2008, that's a new European sales record! The total number of DS's sold in Europe is believed to be around 31 million. (source:

Jan 15, 2009, Wishful thinking Apple exec calls DS "The past of gaming devices"
Bonkers iPod/iPhone marketing man Greg Josiwak has attacked the DS, calling it "the past of gaming devices". Despite lacking many features taken for granted in regular smart-phones, Apple's iPhone has been relatively sucessful. Its games catalogue pales in comparison to the DS however, which shows no signs of losing momentum after the strongest year of sales on record in Europe. (source:
Develop Magazine)