Welcome to Lets-Play-DS.com!

Hi, I'm Matt Buxton and I'm the web-master here at Lets-Play-DS.com. Thanks for taking the time to visit and I hope you had fun, this page should clear up any confusion you may have using some of the sites more advanced features, or understanding our scoring policy.

Our Scoring Policy

The scoring policy we use at Lets-Play-DS.com is a little different from many other sites. We realized that because the DS is played by such a diverse range of people, that one score was not really sufficient for our reviews. Because of this we score each game seven different ways. Firstly, there is the "main score". This is the score that is placed directly at the end of the review. This score tries to be from a completely neutral standpoint and weighs the pros and cons of a game and considers it against other games in the same genre. Underneath these scores are our "adjusted scores". Check out the example below:-


Here we rate the game based on feedback from friends and family (and, I confess, a little guesswork) according to how we think children, teenagers and adults will enjoy a title. Please keep in mind that there's really no such thing as a typical person, even when you consider these three different age groups. For example, if you are a nine year old girl and you hate puppies, please don't think that if we gave a puppy simulator 9 out of 10 for girls that you will automatically fall in love with the game. Scoring systems like this cannot help but stereotype, but nevertheless we hope you will find the extra information useful.

Finally, unlike many sites on the internet, we use the "true 1 to 10 scoring system". This means that a game that scores 5 is a game that is average in most respects. A game that scores 10 isn't necessarily perfect, but it can be considered the best, or amongst the best in its particular genre. A game which scores 1 has almost no redeeming features and is unlikely to appeal to anyone, anywhere.

Of course, no score will ever be right for everyone, since everyone is different. To really decide if you like a game or not, the best thing to do is read the review, which will explain why we came to the scores we did. From the review, you can probably determine if the game will appeal to you in spite of any faults we might have found with it.

Contact Us

We welcome any feedback, good or bad, on Lets-Play-DS.com. Know a fantastic DS game we should be covering? Spotted a mistake on our site? Just want to tell us what a great job we are doing? Whatever the reason, use the form below to contact us. We cannot promise to reply to everyone, but if you do want a reply, please don't forget to fill in the e-mail field on the contact form.

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